Sunday, September 20, 2015

The British are coming!

Or they already were here? Or they were on the other coast, but those under their influence and/or that of their legacy were here? Who knows.

Fare thee well, Yukon, and hello to British Columbia.

As we trekked south, we began to see a bit more green -- and more people. But the higher we got, the more snow we saw. Crazy, right?

Our destination was Dease Lake. Not dat lake. Not the other lake. Dease Lake.

So that's where we went. Not sure I have much to add. So I'll toss some pictures -- including the gym at the hotel.

And a bear. We saw a bear! In this pic, it kind of looks like a fat cat. But it was a bear. Still is, probably.

Also, pics might be before Dease Lake and after. I've already forgotten. So be it. 

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