Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Great Alaska shoutout

Road trips. I dig 'em. But this might be a bit ridiculous.

Itinerary, Part I: Fly to Anchorage (doing that right now), drive with buddy Laurel through Alaska and Canada to Vancouver over the span of four days. Fly back to LA from Vancouver.

FIRST INTERMISSION: Spend one day in LA. See The Who. (Show was postponed.  Roger and a virus.)

Itinerary, Part II: Fly to Hartford. Lament that all shops at BDL are closed, delaying my ability to acquire more Whalers gear.

SECOND INTERMISSION: Hang in CT/NJ, catch up w/peeps and fam.

Itinerary, Part III: Meet buddy Andrew in Massachusetts. Drive with him back to California. 

That's basically it. 

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