Thursday, September 17, 2015

Neighborly unrest room

So it's my layover at SeaTac. I'm standing near the gate, waiting for my flight to Anchorage to board. I also happen to be standing near the entrance to the women's restroom.

I see a man come rushing out with a panicked/embarrassed look on his face. He then books around the corner and finds the men's room. I snap a quick shot of him on his way back, thinking it might make for a fun text or anecdote. Or it might not. I figure I probably won't use it.

Fast forward 20 minutes or so and I'm sitting in my seat on the plane. And who should sit next to me? Well, really, Kate Mara should, but that's not what happened. Nope, it was our accidental restroom bandit! He sat down, looked at boarding pass and then at seat number, panicked and went running off the plane.

OK, maybe not that last part. But he really was sitting next to me, with three other members of his traveling party across the aisle. Only one of these four spoke/understood English, and it wasn't restroom bandit boy, so there wasn't much conversing between him and myself. But I took another shot, now thinking this could make for a good anecdote.

Fast forward 240 minutes or so and I'm telling ol' buddy Laurel about my day, starting with awesomely entertaining Lyft driver, and continuing with reasonably (if unintentionally) entertaining restroom bandit. She is amused.

Fast forward 120 minutes or so and we arrive at hotel. Getting out of elevator is who? Kate freakin' Mara!

OK, not really. Sadly.

But yes, it was the restroom bandit and his peeps! I took another pic and urgently whispered to Laurel, "it's him! it's the bathroom guy!"

Fast forward 24 minutes or so and we, of course, were seated next to him and his party at dinner. I found this all to be far more entertaining than it probably was. So be it -- cracked me up. To hell with the rest of y'all.

Anyway, bandit boy looked at his order/plate, then back at the menu, panicked, stood up and ran -- only to be pushed by Kevin Spacey into the path of an oncoming train.


  1. This trip is off to a very promising start. Did the guy recognize you?

    1. Ha. Don't think so - but he did sort of stare in that pic. How are ya and the kiddos?!
