Sunday, September 20, 2015

Isn't it ironic?

We're driving. We exhaust a good portion of Laurel's music, so we switch to my library. We listen to a little Jess Klein (who, incidentally, just got engaged -- just passing along) before I suggest we try out some Canadian bands considering we were in the middle of End of Civilization, Canada.

Laurel: "No - Canadian bands are terrible."
Me: "There are some good ones."

I name a bunch. The conversation (abridged) was something like this:

J: Barenaked Ladies?
L: No. They're not that good.
J:They're pretty good.
L:Not really.

L:Ha! No.


J:Tragically Hip -- who I think is overrated?
L:Yeah, no.

J:Neil Young?
OK, he's pretty good. He might be the only one.

J:Rush -- are they Canadian?
L:Oh my god, yes -- and I hate Rush! I'm not a guy -- I just don't get it.

J:The Band is part Canadian, apparently?
J:No, the band The Band. Up on cripple creek...
L:Oh, right.
J:The Band rocks.
L:[No comment]

J:Avril Lavigne?

J:Snow! Informer! kansvalnrafafafaifn ... a licky boom boom down!
L:Ha! Awful.

J:Nickelback! Ha!
[They are horrible. Anyone who believes otherwise, please turn in your badge.]

J:Arcade Fire?
L:I hate them!

Also receiving votes:
Steppenwolf, The Guess Who, Carly Rae Jepsen (we really, really, really, really, really, really, really like her), Bryan Adams, Joni Mitchell, Shania Twain (dut-dut-duhduhduh-dut-dut!), Sarah McLachlan

If only there were a site one could use to rank the best Canadian bands/artists. You know, other than sites like Ranker and top10s that already have done it. To hell with them.

Anyway, other top-notch Canadian acts we missed?

Incidentally, I think we ended up listening to Noel Gallagher. Not Canadian.

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