Saturday, September 19, 2015

Oh, Canadia

Laurel and I made our way through Alaska and across the border. 

The giant "WELCOME TO CANADA -- BIRTHPLACE OF WILLIAM SHATNER" sign, sadly, wasn't visible beyond my imagination. Actually, the crossing was somewhat sudden, as customs was another 30 km away. So people could cross into Canada and just vanish into the wilderness of the Yukon if they so chose. Not that anyone would want to, but they could.

Anyway, customs agent asks Laurel about purpose of trip. Leaving Alaska -- quit my job. 

Customs agent: "You seem excited about quitting."
Laurel: "Oh my god, yes!"
Customs agent smiled. Oh, reason for this leg of trip is Laurel jettisoning her Anchorage-based employment in favor of returning to the lower 48. So I'm along for the adventure.

Customs agent: "Do you have any firearms?"
Steven Wright "What do you need?"

There's not much civilization up here. Like, really very little. I didn't expect all that much, but there really isn't much. Actually, there are many signs warning to watch out for wildlife: bears, caribou, livestock, etc.

We saw horses. And a dog.

That night we get to wherever it is we got to and stay at The Raven inn (not even kidding, trivia peeps!), which has all sorts of crazy rules. Including no Puffin!

Others ...

1.  Don't use anything else. Ever!
2. Are they asking? Do they even know?
3. Doesn't seem too environmentally friendly. But whatevs. 

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