Monday, September 21, 2015


Winter Olympics, Vancouver. 2010. A band of four from Yahoo! Sports ventures off into the outskirts of the city, searching for a hole-in-the-wall sushi joint. In a small strip mall, we find it.

Best sushi I ever had. And crazy cheap. 

Fast forward five years and again I'm in Vancouver. I shoot ol' Yahoo buddy Jeff P a note, saying "where the sushi at, punk?!" -- or something to that effect. Turns out it's on the same street Laurel and I are lodging at. Craaaaazy. 

So we go get sushi. It was de-lish. Can't quite live up to legend I built for it, and I think it's more expensive now. Of course, 5.5 years ago I was gainfully employed and expensing many of my meals, so, y'know, there's that. 

But worth the trip.  Laurel devoured veggies and stuff. The unagi  I had. was ridiculous. I even had some random, non-sushi salmon dish -- tasty! Even better when I figured out which parts were and were not edible. 

That last sentence autocorrected to "we're not edible." We can just keep telling ourselves that...

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